Access to the eLicensing System:
All businesses and individuals seeking facility or mobile sports wagering licenses must initiate their licensing background investigations by entering information and uploading documents into Maryland Lottery and Gaming’s eLicensing system. Access to the system is password protected, and login information is provided by Maryland Lottery and Gaming staff.
To inquire further about access to the eLicensing system, contact Maryland Lottery and Gaming’s Licensing Division at 410-230-2699 or send an email to [email protected].
All communications you receive in response to inquiries about the eLicensing process will come directly from a “” email address or a “State of Maryland” phone number. If you receive a suspicious call or email, please contact Maryland Lottery and Gaming’s Licensing Division at 410-230-2699.
eLicensing Frequently Asked Questions:
The following are frequently asked questions and answers about the eLicensing system and background investigations:
What is eLicensing?
eLicensing is the MLGCA’s online system for collecting information and documents that businesses and individuals must submit for their licensing qualification background investigations. The MLGCA conducts these investigations to determine whether a business or individual has the good character, integrity and financial stability to be qualified for a sports wagering license.
Is entering information into eLicensing considered to be my application for a sports wagering license?
No. The Sports Wagering Application Review Commission (SWARC) has released applications for Class B facility and mobile licenses. The SWARC applications are separate and must be completed in addition to entering information into eLicensing. See the Applications page of for information regarding the SWARC applications.
How does MLGCA's investigation differ from SWARC's application process?
The MLGCA determines whether businesses and individuals have met the state’s qualification standards for a license. SWARC evaluates all applicants and determines if awarding a license is in the public interest. SWARC is not permitted to award a license to any business or individual that has not been found qualified by the MLGCA.
Who can access the eLicensing portal?
eLicensing is now available to any business or individual interested in pursuing a Class B facility or mobile sports wagering license.
How do I get access to eLicensing?
Contact Maryland Lottery and Gaming’s Licensing Division at 410-230-2699 or [email protected].
What will I need to do once I have access to eLicensing? Can I get help?
Businesses and individuals will provide information and upload required records and documents into the eLicensing system. The system will allow you to save what you have entered for 180 days, so it is not necessary to provide all requested records and information at the same time. You can work at your own pace. When you have completed your work and are ready to initiate your investigation, you must use eLicensing to “submit” your information to the MLGCA and also must make an initial payment to cover investigative costs. MLGCA staff members from the Licensing Division will assist you in accessing the eLicensing portal and will be available to answer any questions about how to use it. Please note that after you have submitted your materials and made payment, MLGCA staff will maintain contact with you throughout your investigation to seek clarifications, request additional information, and to help you ensure that your information is accurate and complete.
What is the initial payment for investigative costs?
When you submit your records, you will be required to make a payment of $5,287.25. Included in that amount is a background investigation deposit of $2,000. It is possible that you will incur additional investigative costs as your background investigation proceeds, and you will be advised of any such costs by MLGCA staff.
What if I'm not ready to have MLGCA begin my licensing investigation?
You can enter information into eLicensing and save it for up to 180 days before you are required to submit your information and make a payment to the MLGCA. However, if you do not submit your information and make a payment within 180 days of the date that you first accessed eLicensing, you will need to restart the process.
When will MLGCA actually begin my investigation?
Investigations will begin after you have submitted all documents and required information in eLicensing and have paid your initial investigative costs.
Are the investigative costs refundable?
It will depend on each circumstance and how far along in the process MLGCA is when the refund is requested. If a business or individual decides to discontinue its effort to obtain a sports wagering license, it is possible that a portion of the $2,000 investigative background deposit could be returned if the MLGCA’s work has not already exceeded the amount that was paid. If the MLGCA’s investigation requires less than what you paid, the remainder will be refunded.
Is it possible the investigative costs will exceed the amount of the initial payment?
Yes. Investigative costs vary widely, based on the complexity of a business or an individual’s financial records. If the costs exceed the initial payment, you will be required to pay the difference.
Aside from the investigative costs, are there additional expenses before I get a license?
Yes, however, the investigative costs are entirely separate from other expenses and cover only the costs of conducting your background investigation. Every sports wagering applicant must also pay a license application fee, as outlined in the Sports Wagering Law. License application fees are not refundable and will be due when you submit your completed SWARC application for its review.
What if my business is not eligible for a sports wagering license based on its location?
MLGCA staff will inform businesses interested in Class B licenses if their facility is located in the exclusion zones that are defined in the sports wagering law. Click here to view an exclusion zone map.
What happens if I make an initial payment for investigative costs and then discover that my business is not eligible for a license based on SWARC's application requirements?
Businesses and individuals that decide not to pursue a license will be refunded any unused portion of the $2,000 investigative deposit.
Required Action:
All companies seeking authorization to conduct business related to sports wagering in Maryland must submit a Sports Wagering Facility/Mobile Determinations Form describing the goods and services the company intends to provide. This includes companies seeking sports wagering operator licenses, sports wagering contractor licenses, mobile sports wagering licenses, and those seeking approval from the Commission to become non-gaming and non-sports wagering vendors.
Maryland SDAT Compliance:
Applicants are reminded that in order to legally conduct business in Maryland, registration with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (“Maryland SDAT”) is required. Applicants who anticipate doing business in Maryland in the future are advised to carefully review the Maryland SDAT Contact Information sheet.
Approved Sports Wagering Contractors
View the List of Approved Sports Wagering Contractor Licenses in Maryland
Sample Documents
The following copies of sports-wagering-related eLicensing applications are available for review. Applicants are encouraged to assemble the requested and required documents and information contained within the application in preparation for completing the online eLicensing application. There are portions of each application that require information to be entered, as well as documents which must be saved as PDF files and uploaded into the application.
All forms listed below are provided for illustrative and reference purposes only. MLGCA will not accept any paper application submittals. All applications and forms must be submitted by using MLGCA‘s online eLicensing portal.
- Form 4001: Sports Wagering Facility License Application
- Form 4002: Sports Wagering Facility Operator License Application
- Form 4003: Mobile Sports Wagering License Application
- Form 4004: Online Sports Wagering Operator License Application
- Form 4005: Sports Wagering Contractor Application
- Form 4006: Sports Wagering Principal Entity Application
- Form 4007: Sports Wagering Institutional Investor Waiver